How Can You Prevent Diabetes with Genetic Testing?

Diabetes stats in India
- India has the second largest number of diabetics in the world
- 1 out of 6 people in the world with diabetes, is from India
- In 2019, India had about 77 million diabetics
- By 2025, this number is expected to rise to 57.2 million
If you know you have prediabetes, or a risk for diabetes, you can take actions to prevent it
Most of the people with prediabetes don’t know that they have it. People with prediabetes have increased blood sugar levels but not high enough to be called diabetes. If prediabetes is detected at an early stage, you can prevent it turning into diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes and your genetics
Some people are more predisposed to develop type 2 diabetes because of their genetics. However, your lifestyle also influences your likelihood of developing the disease. Your health is a direct product of your genetics and your lifestyle - and your lifestyle is the only thing that is in your control.
A genetic test can help you know if you have prediabetes or if you are at risk to develop diabetes in your lifetime
You can know if you have a likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes with a predictive genetic test. It can report if your genes are inclined to put you at a higher risk of developing diabetes in your lifetime. Your genetic test report estimates your likelihood of developing diabetes by looking at the SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) in your DNA. Any alteration in these SNPs than the typical indicate specific health conditions. Hence, your report empowers you with important information and recommendations that help you in personalizing your lifestyle for the prevention of diseases.
Personalized lifestyle and health screenings can help you maintain good health
Living a healthy life can lower your chances of developing diabetes and many other chronic health conditions. You can prevent or delay diabetes by following the recommendations of your genetic test report and your genetic counsellor. Lifestyle personalizations may include:
- Being more active in your daily life to maintain a healthy weight
- Eating nutritious meals
- Foods that you should avoid, or eat more
- Intervals and types of health screenings to take
- Signs and symptoms you should watch out for
Find out your genetic risk score for type 2 diabetes now with a genetic test.