A Family History Increases The Risk of Stroke

Having A Family History Increases The Risk For Stroke
Your genetics, lifestyle, and environment influence your health and your risks for stroke. The risk of stroke is higher in some families, and your chances of having a stroke can be high/low depending on your age and gender. Stroke is completely preventable. Knowing your risk score for stroke can help you in preventing it from happening.
There are 3 types of strokes: transient ischemic attack, ischemic stroke, and hemorrhagic stroke.
The role of genetics & family history
Some traits are passed from one generation to another through genes. Genetic factors/heredity plays an important role in high blood pressure, stroke, and other related conditions. A lot of genetic disorders can also cause a stroke. When you have a family history of stroke, and you share the common environments as them (which is very likely being a family), can increase your risk for stroke too. The chances of having a stroke can increase drastically when heredity is combined with a sedentary lifestyle choices, like smoking, drinking and improper nutrition.
Health history of your family is quite useful for understanding your health risks and preventing them.
What are the other factors that increase the risks of having a stroke?
Age: The chances of stroke doubles every 10-years after 55-years of age. These days because of obesity and lifestyle factors, the risk of stroke has increased in adolescents and younger generations.
Gender: Stroke is more common in women than men, and women of all ages are more likely to die from stroke.
How to know your risks for stroke?
A genetic test can reveal your risk for atrial fibrillation and stroke. Many people who are genetically predisposed to develop atrial fibrillation, have drastically increased risks of stroke too. DNAwise genetic test kit includes various parameters including the risk assessment for atrial fibrillation and stroke (under Cardiovascular & Cerebral Diseases). Taking a DNAwise test can help in stroke prevention - also if you have a known family history, you should definitely opt for the test. DNAwise genetic test includes genetic counselling after the report comes - in the counselling you’ll be recommended various preventive measures and lifestyle modifications that may help you in preventing stroke.
Just remember, stroke is preventable. Take your precaution today, order the DNAwise Test Kit.