How Your Family And You Are Genetically Unique

Your Family And You Are Genetically Unique
Family members inherit almost same set of genes from their ancestors but in variety of combinations. Children inherit pairs of genes from their parents. A child gets one set of genes from the father and one set from the mother. These genetic combinations make you similar to your family yet different from each other. Genes are the reason why each individual is unique. Taking time to learn about health and genetic diseases that run in your family is worth it. It will help you understand your own health and make healthy choices.
Genes can also increase the risk in a family for getting certain health conditions. Families also share habits, diet, and environment. These influences how healthy we are later in life. Any changes in the DNA causes genetic disorder which are also inherited in child, therefore some diseases like Diabetes, Obesity, Cardiovascular condition, Thyroid, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Cancer etc. runs in the family. Some diseases are caused by mutations that are inherited from the parents and are present in an individual at birth, like sickle cell disease, thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, etc. are hereditary disorders.
Your family health history tells you which diseases run in your family. Health problems that develop at a younger age than usual can be a clue that your family has a higher risk. Though you cannot change your genes, you can change your behavior. Based on your family history, a healthcare provider may order a genetic test or refer you to a genetic counselor. Genetic tests can show if you have a gene change that increases your risk for disease. They can also tell if you have a gene change that you might pass on to your children.
Some genetic screening can be done by healthy individual to check predisposition to certain genetic condition. These tests can be taken by any healthy individual to check their genetic risk for disease also for lifestyle factor like nutrition and fitness based on the variation in their DNA. Genetic test results are useful in timely monitoring or detection of many health issues which should be mindfully addressed. Learning about such common genetic diseases helps you to correct lifestyle habits and stay healthy.