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A COVID-Safe Back to Work Plan

As most of the Indian workforce gets ready to go back to work from offices, managements need to have a plan in place to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Employers can use this handy guide by Indus to strategize their return to work policies:

Mandate basic Covid-19 preventive measures

The first step to implementing the basic preventions is to educate your employees more about the risks and impact of the spread of Covid-19. Support them in practicing good hygiene by providing the employees, clients and visitors, easy access to handwashing areas and hand sanitizers. Administer policies for practicing mandatory social distancing and carry out regular cleaning and sanitization of the office spaces.

Implement protective controls in office

Make sure to increase ventilation at the workplace - you can install air filters and opt for having room air conditioners. Establish policies to limit the number of employees and visitors in the workplace - let employees who can work from home continue that and let others come in shifts to reduce crowding inside the office. Rearrange your office space to maintain proper social distancing norms easily, and set up barriers/partitions between cubes/desks. Provide your employees with all the personal protective equipment like masks and gloves, along with educating them on protection against the virus and office policies to combat it.

Identification & isolation of susceptible virus carriers

Do daily health screenings like body temperature and oxygen levels before entering the workplace. Encourage employees and other staff to self-monitor themselves for signs and symptoms of Covid-19 on a daily basis. Make them aware about all the benefit policies and procedures for employees experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 or actually contracting the disease.

Use Antibody Testing for mass screening

Antibody/Anti-SARS COV-2 tests for Covid-19 also called Serology Test, is done to check if the immune system has been exposed to Coronavirus infection recently. It is a blood sample test to investigate antibodies in the immune system developed to fight SARS-CoV-2. In case the test shows the presence of antibodies, it means the person was infected in the recent past with Covid-19. The results are quick, can be done in a day without a doctor's prescription. Only an Aadhar Card or a letter from HR is enough for getting the test done. Read more about Antibody Testing for Corporates here.