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Customized Corporate Health Checkups

In India, fatal consequences of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are on the rise with each passing year. According to the studies, NCDs cause approximately 60% deaths in India. An alarming fact is that 4 diseases namely, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic pulmonary diseases are the reason behind the approximately 80% of the deaths related to NCDs.

Today, professionals who are working in a corporate environment in India are prone to diseases related to stress, anxiety, prolonged sitting and unhealthy diet. The unhealthy corporate lifestyle mixed with new emerging pathogens has created a dangerous situation putting everyone at risk. Thus, it is crucial for the companies to choose customized corporate checkups for their employees to ensure better and healthier future. Employees too should be serious about their health and should actively go for corporate health checkup. The corporate health checkup is mutually beneficial for employee as well as the employer.

Benefits for the Employee:

  • They can avail regular employee health checkups at an affordable cost using high-end technology
  • The plans can be designed as per the requirement of the company or the employees’ work profile
  • Everything right from labs to doctors for consultancy is available under one roof
  • Strengthens relationship between the employee and the employer
  • Decreased financial burden (illness means increase in the expenditure on healthcare services)

Benefits for the Company:

  • The healthcare cost comes down
  • The productivity of the employees increases
  • The rate of absent employees from work due to health conditions decreases
  • The workplaces related injuries also decrease

It is essential for the company to show compassion towards their employees to build trust. Furthermore, a healthy employee will always be a better choice for the company. Indus Health Plus provides a wide range of executive health checkup packages for corporate world; companies can also get a customized one as per specific requirement. We have a comprehensive corporate health and wellness plan that is apt as per your needs and requirements.

For more info on customized health checkups, please Contact Us.