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Factors That Influence the Workplace, Health and Wellness of Employees?

Without employees, an organization cannot function. Therefore, their health and wellness should be number one priority for the organizations. An employee who is happy and healthy becomes an asset to the workplace, and contributes towards its growth. 

A responsible employer takes care of all their employees mental and physical wellness. Employees suffering with health conditions fail to be productive and cannot add value to the company’s growth. Their ill health causes decrease in productivity and increase in absenteeism.

In the recent world, especially in the times of Covid pandemic, the corporate workers are facing stiff competition at work, and retaining it, that causes them great stress. Also, with remote working being the new normal, they don’t find time to care for their health. Sedentary lifestyle, stress, and job insecurity is taking an impact on the health of employees. The employers and their HR teams are also looking for help in enforcing activities that are related to their employee’s physical, mental, and social wellness.

Here are some suggestions that can help you empower your employees to be happy and healthy.

Make the workplace comfortable

This is of utmost importance as the atmosphere and infrastructure of the working space contributes to a person’s health and wellness. Make sure your office space is brightly lit, if natural light is not possible. A clean and airy working space is required for an active mind. Cluttered and stuffy working spaces can increase the chances of diseases and affect productivity. 

Encourage them to be physically active

Exercise is very important for maintaining a healthy body. Motivate your employees to take regular breaks, move around, and set time aside every day for taking care of their body. Also, ensure they are not missing their meals when they are in office. 

Motivate them to balance their work and personal life 

Corporate employees find it quite difficult to maintain a balance between their work and personal life. Working hours are sometimes not fixed, and everyone is glued to their screens most of the day. Make it a supportive environment for the employees, help them manage time so that they can draw a line between work and personal responsibilities, and don’t carry their work to their homes.

Arrange for fun activities and team building

Ice-breaking and fun and activities are highly required at work places. Everyday work can become dull and boring. Such activities provide time for them to enjoy, refresh and connect with their colleagues. Suc activities are also beneficial for their physical and mental wellness of employees. 

Adapt gifting good health as corporate gifting

Long term sitting at their work desks induces stress and causes host of health conditions like anxiety, depression, obesity, heart, and digestive diseases. You can help them take care of their health needs by gifting them annual health checkup packages. It can be a lucrative compensation benefit for your employees.  Choose a health checkup plan that is available near their homes. Knowing about their health status through checkups can empower them to modify their food and fitness habits to prevent diseases. It will also be beneficial for the organization to reduce absenteeism and increase productivity and focus. 

If you are an employer looking to design a comprehensive health and wellness strategy for your staff, click here to see how we can help you.