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Employee Medical Counselling

Every year, a large number of people die in India due to non-communicable and lifestyle diseases. Such ailments include cancer, diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases. These illnesses cause around 80% of non-communicable disease-related deaths. These health issues are widespread among the people who are working day and night in a corporate environment.

Prolonged sitting, stress, and anxiety related to work and unhealthy untimely diet are among the major reasons of lifestyle diseases in the employees of any company. Most of the corporate companies now understand how important it is to have a healthy workforce. Thus, it is vital for companies to conduct executive health checkup on a regular basis. Under these health programs, one of the prominent services is free doctors counselling for the employees via Indus Health Plus.

The medical counselling sessions that include counselling are mainly focused on the problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression.

The Benefits of Medical Counselling are as Follows:

  • The employees can discuss and get advice on the health issues they face at work and in office.
  • The level of stress is reduced among the employees.
  • The doctor can suggest changes in the office environment for better results.
  • The employee gets a chance to talk to a professional without worrying about privacy.
  • In case, any medication is required to control the stress and problems related to it, the doctor can prescribe them.
  • The productivity increases and absenteeism can be reduced significantly.

It is very important to have a healthy workforce at your office. If you are looking for employee medical counselling, please do Contact Us. We also offer customized corporate health checkup plans.