7 Steps to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

7 Steps to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

Your kidneys buckle down for you in any event, even when they lose their sidekick! Now is the ideal time to show some consideration - put away that glass of bubbly and understand this.

You've probably heard that a healthy lifestyle can make a significant contribution to keeping your body and mind healthy. A lifestyle that fits your genes is the best way to live: Because your genes are the blueprint for your life, you have access to useful information about yourself. Read on to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle that not only keeps your kidneys healthy but also ensures your well-being and longevity.
Here's a step-by-step guide to keeping your kidneys healthy, giving them the care they need, and preventing chronic kidney disease. 

  1. Understanding your genes: When you know your risk, you can take steps to delay or delay its development. Surprisingly, you only need to test it once in the comfort of your own home to discover a wealth of useful information about your body - the wonders of genetic testing! 
  2. Stop smoking and moderate your liquor utilization: Obviously, they are not really great for any body type. The most important move towards a sound life is to control your addictions. Additionally, tobacco expands your gamble for kidney illnesses as well as jeopardizes you for lung and heart issues.
  3. Adopt a healthy lifestyle: Your lifestyle includes eating habits, exercise habits, sleeping habits, stress, and addictions. To keep your kidneys and body healthy, you need to change your entire lifestyle. What you eat is more important in your daily habits; Eat freshly cooked foods and avoid unhealthy, greasy, and processed foods. 
  4. Get annual comprehensive full body health checkup: Annual comprehensive health checks, which include tests to analyze your entire body and organs, are important to learn more about how your body works and your overall health. Any health risk must be accompanied by special screening tests to detect diseases before they become fatal. 
  5. Know the early signs and symptoms of kidney failure: This is especially helpful for people at high genetic risk or with a family history of chronic kidney disease. Understand all  symptoms and be on the lookout for them. Contact your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. 
  6. Be smart and careful with your medication: Taking medication  for high blood pressure or diabetes can damage your kidneys. Therefore, measures must be taken to protect the kidneys from damage. Be careful with over-the-counter drugs, they can do more harm than you think. 
  7. Stop believing craze diets and trends: your body is unique because of your genotype. Because of this, fad diets may only be guesswork for you, they may work, they may not work! Additionally, some studies have shown that a high-protein diet may increase the risk of developing kidney stones.

Keep in mind, water is your kidneys' companion. Keep yourself hydrated. To figure out more about your kidneys' wellbeing and working of different organs, book our Advanced Full Body Checkup Package right from the solace of your home. It has 77 tests including the ones for checking kidney function.


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